When people start making decorated sugar cookies, they tend to think “sugar, eggs, butter, cookie cutters…this shouldn’t be too expensive”. And if you are a hobby baker, you can keep your investment lower, depending on your skill level. However, for those looking to grow and develop in their skills, you quickly learn that tools add up quickly! If you have a business, it’s critical to have the proper tools to not only elevate your products but save you time. One of the tools that almost all established cookiers can’t live without, is a projector. But a good projector is not cheap and this blog is all about helping bakers of all levels find success! So today, I’ll show you how you can use the tissue paper method to still create all kinds of designs!
But First…Is It Time For A Projector?
Before we get into the tissue paper method, I want to spend a moment talking about when you may want to consider investing in a projector. If you ask successful cookiers what their most valuable tool is, you’re likely to hear “projector or dehydrator”. And it’s with good reason; both of these tools are game changers when it comes to decorating sugar cookies. However, they both require an investment, which many are reluctant to make. Personally, I LOVE my projector, it opens up a whole new world of design options. If you’re ready to make the jump, THIS is the model I have and LOVE. It’s also arguably the most popular projector amongst cookiers. I will be publishing a whole post all about this projector in the very near future, so stay tuned! And of course, you already know my love for Dottie, my dehydrator.
If you are still working on more fundamental skills, do very minimal writing on your cookies and don’t plan to do logos, the tissue paper method may meet your needs! Or at least it may meet your needs for the time being or when you’re in a pinch!
Tissue Paper Method Tools
Unlike a project, the tissue paper method is super economical and doesn’t require much for success! All you will need is:
- A printed picture/copy of whatever you’d like to put on your cookie
- Cheap, white tissue paper – hello dollar store!
- Edible marker – THIS is the set I use consistently
- Completely dry, flooded cookie
- Royal Icing (medium consistency)
You can handle that, right, Bestie? Let’s do this.
Tissue Paper Method
To illustrate this method, I’m going to make a cookie with the logo of one of our family’s FAVORITE organizations – Best Friends Animal Society. I could write a whole separate blog talking about the amazing work they do and our family’s visits to their sanctuary in Utah, but I know that’s not why you’re here! That said, if you are interested in learning more about them, HERE is a link!
Alright, focus, here we go! Here is the logo, covered by my tissue paper:

Trace your design onto the tissue paper using an edible marker:

Trace again, using your edible marker, directly onto your cookie:

The edible marker will go through, leaving the image on the cookie. You may need to go over it a few times. I usually clean up the lines once I take the tissue paper away:

Outline and fill your design with royal icing!

Now would I want to use this method if I had 100 cookies to do with the same design? Ummm no. But for occasional designs or smaller quantities, it’s a great alternative!
I will also say some people use ballpoint pen to do the tracing, more as an impression instead of a visible marker. You sure could give this and try and see which method you prefer; I’m on team edible marker but want you to be aware of options!
I hope this post about the tissue paper method was helpful for you in lieu of a projector. I’m all about exploring all the creative options before making investments into tools! If/when you take the plunge and get a projector, I’m confident you’ll wish you did it sooner. But in the meantime, tissue paper to the rescue!
If you found this post helpful, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on future recipes, tips, techniques and featured bakers! Happy Baking, Besties!